Monday, February 15, 2016

IQ sample 1

Sample I.Q. question

1.      Which onenumber will complete the followignumber series? 8, 9, 8, 7, 10, 9, 6, 11, 10, ?, 12.
A)     11               B)8                       C)5              D)7
2.      Find the odd one out.
A)     Walked
B)     Rode
C)     Sailed
D)     Travelled
E)      Flew
3.      Arrange the following in meaningful order.
                    I.            Punishment
                  II.            Rode
                III.            Arrest
                IV.            Crime
                  V.            Judgment
A)     43521
B)     43512
C)     23145
D)     51234
4.      Bank is to river as coast is to………….?.........
A)     Beach
B)     Waves
C)     Sea
D)     Flood
5.      USPL: KMPT likewise LJGC: …?...
A)     CEHC
B)     QSUW
C)     GHIJ
D)     BDGK
E)      None of these
6.      Find the missing number
14, 19, 29, 39, ..?.., 69
A)     52
B)     49
C)     54
D)     59
7.      Find the missing letter of the series.
Z, U, Q, ..?.., L
A)     I
B)     K
C)     N
D)     M
8.      Doctor is to nurse as ….? to follower
A)     Worker
B)     Employer
C)     Union
D)     Leader
E)      Manager
9.      If ZOO=OUT and SUP=ROW, what is HARTRED equal to..?..
A)     LOOM
B)     MOTH
D)     MASH

Friday, February 12, 2016

Nepal Army:Rank/Pips

It is important to know about the different ranks and their pips.  So in this page I have posted rank and their pips. Also remember the age bar and tenure to the person serving in Nepal Army.

Want to join Nepalese Army? Start learning about it.

Nepalese Army motto: Better to die than to be coward.

The Nepali Army or Gurkha Army is the army of Nepal and a major component of the Military of Nepal. Service is voluntary and the minimum age for enrollment is 18 years. The army was known as The Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) during the monarchy system in Nepal. It was renamed into Nepal Army since 28 May 2008 with the abolishing of 238-year-old monarchy. Unlike other military forces around the world, the Nepalese Army has a very strict joining policy.
If you are eager to join NA you should know about the minimum educational qualification and physical qualification to apply. Under educational qualification you should have complete +2 levels or equivalent (age bar: below 21 yrs.) or bachelors level (age bar: 24 yrs.) and 26 yrs. only for in-service. Under physical qualification for men: Height-5ft 3 inch (min), Chest:-  32-34 inch (min), Weight- 50 kg (min) and spectacle users 2 point plus or minus and for women: Height-5ft. (min), Weight- 40 kg (min) and spectacle users 2 point plus or minus. If you think you can meet above qualification you may apply for officer cadet to join NA.
 Readers, here I will start from the very first day of your selection for an officer cadet. First day of your selection will be General Physic Check and Pre-medical.