Monday, February 15, 2016

IQ sample 1

Sample I.Q. question

1.      Which onenumber will complete the followignumber series? 8, 9, 8, 7, 10, 9, 6, 11, 10, ?, 12.
A)     11               B)8                       C)5              D)7
2.      Find the odd one out.
A)     Walked
B)     Rode
C)     Sailed
D)     Travelled
E)      Flew
3.      Arrange the following in meaningful order.
                    I.            Punishment
                  II.            Rode
                III.            Arrest
                IV.            Crime
                  V.            Judgment
A)     43521
B)     43512
C)     23145
D)     51234
4.      Bank is to river as coast is to………….?.........
A)     Beach
B)     Waves
C)     Sea
D)     Flood
5.      USPL: KMPT likewise LJGC: …?...
A)     CEHC
B)     QSUW
C)     GHIJ
D)     BDGK
E)      None of these
6.      Find the missing number
14, 19, 29, 39, ..?.., 69
A)     52
B)     49
C)     54
D)     59
7.      Find the missing letter of the series.
Z, U, Q, ..?.., L
A)     I
B)     K
C)     N
D)     M
8.      Doctor is to nurse as ….? to follower
A)     Worker
B)     Employer
C)     Union
D)     Leader
E)      Manager
9.      If ZOO=OUT and SUP=ROW, what is HARTRED equal to..?..
A)     LOOM
B)     MOTH
D)     MASH
10.  Pointing to a photograph a man said “I have no brother or sister or sisters but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Whose photo was that?
A)     His son’s
B)     His father’s
C)     His own
D)     His nephew’s
11.  ...?.. is to sentence as sentence is to..?..
A)     Jail    B) word C) period D) question
1)      Fine 2)Comma 3) Paragraph 4) phrase
12.  Ganesh went towards east 8 km straight, then turned right and went 3 km straight, then again turned right and went12 km straight. How far is he from the starting point?
A)     5 km
B)     6 km
C)     8 km
D)     10 km
13.  Find the missing number.
A)     40
B)     48
C)     56
D)     64
14.  If ‘+’ = ’x’, ‘-‘ = ‘/’, ‘x’ = ‘-‘ and ‘+’ = ‘-‘ than what will be the value of 16/64-8x4+2= ?
A)     18
B)     12
C)     24
D)     64
E)      None
15.  Find the missing letter.
A)     X
B)     V
C)     C
D)     W
16.  Number of squares.

A)     50
B)     55
C)     60
D)     65
17.  Find name of fruit and vegetable from the jumble word. (TRAPAPOLECR)
18.  Raj is 14th from the right and 13th form the left. How many boys are there in the row?
A)     27
B)     28
C)     25
D)     Cannot determine
E)      None
19.  There are 49 students in the class. Girls are 5 more than boys. What is the number of boys and girls?
20.  Which number will complete the series?
8, 13, 23, 43, 83, ..?..
A)     173
B)     183
C)     163
D)     193

This is only a sample. I will be posting more IQ problems and some tricks to solve them in minimum time. Thank you . Comment below if you have any problem in IQ questions.

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